Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's Just Like Ohio!

Hello Friends,

A very wise person gave me some really solid words of wisdom recently. We were sitting in a small group where I am the youngest person learning from some very wise, experienced, amazing God followers and as I related my feelings about going to China and from across the room I heard this phrase, "It's just like Ohio, don't worry." As I sat and thought about the weight of truth to that statement I realize that it really has no truth in it at all or at least I hope China is better than Ohio and it just released a lot of tension that I had been feeling up until that point.

I am continually amazed at what God has done through this experience so far and I haven't even left the state yet. In such a simple statement made as a joke it lightened the mood I was in and allowed me to give up some stress and control of the situation because what if it is like Ohio? The point is that I don't know and I need to trust that God has his hand on this trip and in my heart.

Another cool thing that happened was in my finances. I have not made even near the amount that I need but God has still shown up in big ways. I got a list of people that have so far donated to my cause and the small amount gave Satan a stronghold of fear and worry right away that God did not want to be there. The next few times I was in my car I was praying or talking on the phone to my mom and Sarah from Church to hopefully get things figured out there. As I prayed by myself I still felt peace that I should be going but I need to have faith about my finances and I really wanted someone to pray with me about everything but didn't have the time to talk to anyone specifically about it. Tonight on the way home from moving some of my stuff to Hudsonville where I will be living next year my good friend Dave called me about something completely unrelated to China finances and then ended the conversation lead by God by praying specifically about China and my finances!!!!


God has so exceeded my expectations unspoken or spoken that I can't fathom serving a God that does not know and understand my needs before I do.

May the light of truth reflect in my life,

Lauren B.

1 comment:

  1. The light is already reflected in your life, Lauren, so put that thought in your pocket and save it for when Satan tries to discourage you. You have no idea how many people you have already blessed in this life. Even if not all your friends are able to give to you financially, the support they give you through prayers is going to do amazing things. I know you have just over a week left before you leave, but remember...

    it only took God six days to create the world. :)
